Single Equalities Policy

Wellfield Academy is an inclusive school and we focus on the well-being and progress of every student and where all members of our community are of equal worth.

The Governors of Wellfield Academy believe that a Single Equalities Policy provides a framework to support their commitment to valuing diversity, tackling discrimination,  promoting equality and fostering good relationships between people.  Having a Single Equalities Policy in place ensures that they continue to tackle and monitor issues of disadvantage and underachievement of different groups.

All our students are of equal value whether or not they are disabled, whatever their race, culture, national origin or national status, whatever their gender, whatever their religious or non-religious faith.

Schools are required to have a Race Equality Policy, a Disability Equality Policy and a Gender Equality Policy.  A Single Equalities Policy meets all these requirements in one policy.

The purpose of a Single Equalities Policy is to meet the school’s duties to promote equality of opportunity for and between diverse members of the school community, including, disabled students, staff, parents, male and females and different racial groups within the school.

The following are the objectives of our action plan:

  1. Opportunity to learn about a variety of cultures and religious beliefs that are represented in wider society today.  Visit religious establishments and celebrate cultural events throughout the year to increase student awareness and understanding of different communities.  Put in place a culture calendar.
  2. Encourage boys and girls to consider non-stereotyped career options.  A careers opportunity in school to include speakers from different types of jobs.
  3. Promote positive attitudes towards vulnerable groups.  Display positive images of people from diverse groups in school.
  4. Representation of students to the Governing Body – elected student representatives from Student Voice to attend Governors’ meetings.
  5. Fund raising events to highlight charities dealing with vulnerable groups.
  6. Accessibility Plan to help students who might not find it easy to get around school both for physical and non-physical reasons.